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Join Cub Scouts Today!

Join Cub Scouts! It’s fun! Cub Scout Pack 1344 serves boys grades K-5 through fun, outdoor adventure, STEM and character development. Most of our Scouts attend Cherry Run Elementary School in Burke, VA, but we always welcome new Scouts from nearby neighborhoods as well. Here is some more information about our Pack and links to an online application if you are ready to join Cub Scouts today. If you have any questions or would like more information, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Cub Scouts Pack 1344 Burke VA | Cherry Run Elementary School

Why join Cub Scouts?

It’s FUN! – Spiritual and character growth – Citizenship training – Opportunities for family fun – Develops interests and skills – Outdoor Adventure – Fellowship – Diversity – Positive Influence

How is our Pack organized?

All Scouts in our Pack belong to a Den based on grade level. Each Den works on different adventures throughout the year.

  • Kindergarten – Lion Den
  • 1st Grade – Tiger Den
  • 2nd Grade – Wolf Den
  • 3rd Grade – Bear Den
  • 4th Grade – Webelos Den
  • 5th Grade – Arrow of Light Den

When and where do we meet?

We host monthly Pack meetings for all Scouts. Additionally, individual Dens meet at various times. Most Dens meet monthly.

What are the dues used for?

Dues are collected at the beginning of each scouting year. If you join later, dues will be prorated based on the date joined. A portion of your dues goes to the NCAC Council, which is used for insurance on Scouting events, events organized by the NCAC and other council expenses.

The rest goes to the Pack to cover the costs of the neckerchief and slide for each Scout, Boys Life magazine, awards and patches for each Scout, camping fees and expenses for official Pack events.

What does a Scout need?

Lion rank:  A Lion Handbook, official Lions t-shirt & cap (all provided by the pack)

Tigers rank to Arrow of Light rank:
1. A Scout Handbook for the scout’s den level
2. Two uniforms 
    Class A (formal scout uniform) that is used for official events and ceremonies
          Tigers, Wolves, Bears – wear the blue uniform shirt
          Webelos and Arrow of Lights (AOLs) – wear the khaki uniform shirt
    Class B (t-shirt) that is used for den meetings, camp-outs, and events requiring more informal attire.
3. Patches for the formal scout uniform – Uniform guidelines can be found in the den handbook.  (“1344” patch can be purchased through the pack)
4. Hat
5. Belt (to hold beltloops earned for achievements)
6. Neckerchief and neckerchief slide (provided by the pack)

*You will need to purchase the items listed above that are not provided by the Pack.  You can purchase them at the Northern Virginia Scout Shop located in the Ravensworth Shopping Center at 5232 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151. To shop online, visit

What is my role as a Parent/Guardian?

When you join Scouting, you join as a family.  Throughout the Scouting program you will work together with your Scout and help him along the way. Your Scout will be able to confidently move through the program because of your encouragement, help, and guidance.  Parents/Guardians are expected to come to the monthly Pack meetings for information. Additionally, some Dens require parents to attend Den meetings too. Most importantly, your role is to help celebrate your Scout’s achievements each month that they have worked so hard to receive. Pack Meetings and events are all family-friendly, so please welcome siblings, grandparents, etc. to join you and your Scout.

How else can parents get involved?

The Pack belongs to all Scouts and their families, and to make it run smoothly, we need help from everyone!  You are the ones that help make it all come together.  Please assist Den Leaders and Pack Leaders by volunteering for activities when there is a need.  We understand circumstances come up and you may not be able to help out with every activity and that is ok!  It is not expected that you volunteer every time. 

There are many different volunteer opportunities that come up throughout the year.  You can help out with something that requires little time, such as helping with set up or clean up for a pack meeting or you can help out with something that requires more time, such as running an event or being a Den Leader.  Your time is valuable and any time that you can give us is greatly appreciated!  By volunteering, you are giving an important gift to your scout, the gift of time! 

Join Cub Scouts today!

To join Cub Scouts Pack 1344, you can either contact our Pack Secretary by completing this contact form. Or you can complete an online application here.

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