National Capital Area Council Day Camp 2017
Don’t Miss Out On This Summertime FUN!!
2017 Cub Scout Day Camp
“Bug Hunters”
Gesher Jewish Day School
July 10—14, 2017
8AM to 3PM
You will get to explore all things bug related!! There will be Crafts!! Nature Study!! Games!! Slingshots!! BB guns!! Bow and Arrows!! Opportunities to earn Belt Loops, Pins, and even your Shooting Sports Patch!!
You can participate too!! Sign-up as a Den Walker and you can join your Scout during all of the fun!! The current Lion Den that will be Tigers in the fall must each have an adult partner attend camp with them. All other Dens must have one adult Den Walker present for every five Scouts to escort them through camp.
Sign Up Today!!!
Registration: $210
Scouts will receive a hat & t-shirt
**Early Bird Registration: $190
(ends Sunday, April 23, 2017 @11:59PM)
**Late Registration: $230
(begins Monday, May 22, 2017 @12:00AM)
**No fee for Adult Den Walkers, just sign-up!
Please complete the following Registration Materials & return them to Kim Painter:
1) Registration Form:
2) BSA Physical Forms Part “A” & “B”:
3) Permission Forms for Shooting Activities:
If you have any questions, please contact Kim Painter: or
Carrie Messersmith: