Pinewood Derby
Welcome to the Pack 1344 Pinewood Derby 2025
Race Times
Below are the race times. Remember – You do not need to be present to race your car! If you cannot make it, if your car is registered, it will still race!
10:00 AM – AOL
10:45 AM – Webelos
11:30 AM – Bears
12:10 PM – Wolves
1:00 PM – Tiger
1:45 PM – Lion
2:00 PM – Pack Championship
2:30 PM – Friends & Family
Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers! Our most critical need is for Greeters. Greeters will welcome participants and spectators to the Derby. We also need volunteers to man our Bake Sale. Please consider signing up!
Bake Sale
The pack is planning on having cookies and baked goods for sale! All proceeds will go back to the pack. Please consider donating baked goods! Drop off at St Andrews will be from 9AM to 10AM on race day!
Car Registration
We encourage all participants to do their best to register their cars at the Early Bird registration date! If your car is not registered by the time registration closes, it will not race. There will not be onsite registration on race day. If you are entering a car into the Friends and Family bracket, don’t forget to tell us who invited you!
Early Bird registration: Sunday, Feb. 2: 1:00-3:30pm
Final registration: Thursday, Feb. 6: 5:00-7:00pm

Scout Pinewood Derby Cars on display for the style competition

All the scouts did a great job designing their cars!

Outlaw Derby Cars

Wolves anxiously waiting for their cars to go down the track
Cub Scout Pack 1344 holds an Annual Pinewood Derby Race in February. The Cub scouts design their own style car from a kit and compete against other scouts within their den for style and speed. All ranks, Lions through AOLs participate. There are trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for speed and style. All 1st place winners in each den then compete against all other dens within the pack for the pack championship. First place winners will also have the opportunity to compete against other packs in the area at the Patriot District Pinewood Derby. Every scout that participates in our Annual Pinewood Derby Race receives a Pinewood Derby patch. We also have a special race called the Friends & Family Pinewood Derby race. Siblings and family members of our scouts that want to participate in a pinewood derby race may enter the outlaw derby race. The Friends & Family pinewood derby race is immediately after the scout races. Winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in speed and style win a prize!