Blue & Gold Banquet
Cub Scout Pack 1344’s annual Blue & Gold Banquet is held in February. It is our most formal event of the year. We celebrate the birthday of scouting and we honor the cub scouts who have completed the Arrow of Light Award as they cross over to Boy Scouts. The blue and gold banquet is the highlight of the year, bringing the pack families together for an evening of good food & fun entertainment! The theme and entertainment for the 2018 Blue & Gold was “Magic”!

Presentation of Colors

Arrow of Light Ceremony

All the ranks line up to make a path for the AOLs as they cross over the bridge to Boy Scouts

As the boys cross over, they are greeted by the Boy Scouts from their new Troop and are presented with a new neckerchief

A Magician was the entertainment for the evening

Potluck Dinner

Cake to celebrate the scouting birthday and the AOLs cross over to Boy scouts

A tradition: The youngest and oldest scout in the room cut the first slice of cake